Monday, February 15, 2010

Snow and more frigging snow!

Those weather reporters that forecast never hardly ever get the shit right! I heard last night (Sunday 02/14/10) that Monday 02/15/2010 we are to expect 1-3", so I look outside this morning; it did not look too bad. I turn on the television to catch the news and the road reports were not bad at all. I drive out of the garage into the alley and head to our 4-way stop sign. Bad, but side streets are always bad because the city will not plow those unless there is an institution of some sort near by.I make it to the main street that will lead me safely to work. Not good at all! The snow plows had not even touched any of the minor streets to the major streets. Two no miss slides at two intersections and I made it to work. WHEW! I then hear while at work there is to be a change from watch to warning and the 1-3" had changed to up to 7". I tell my boss do not expect me back from lunch. I hate this crappy weather. To top it off, I get stuck on the side street that leads to the alley my garage is at!
So, this leads to why I am posting today. I had some time and wanted to focus on anything but myself at the moment. Enjoy,

Look who is packing and has a nice body to boot.

This guy is cute, but he also reminds me of a porn star. I can't place my finger on it?

And though he is not in his swim trunks he is still a hottie making me wish spring would hurry the hell up. LOL

That just looks so gay but nice ;-)

Someone is shy as queer as that sounds from the lack of modesty.

You'll see another one of this guy (Dustin) further into the post. He let's it hang out ;-)


My choice for Hunk. He has a kind of Tom Cruise look to him. Except built a hell of lot better!

Another sexy hunk and he'll be post further down with a nice ass shot!

Boys will be boys, but it appears the dude on the left is checking out his buds junk. LMAO


Another sexy tease~

Frat boy ass

He was one of the hints and the next one is also of this guy. Yummy!
How was your Valentine's day? Mine started out much like this, the both of us ready to go! LOL
Cock Shots are next >

 This guy was the shy one earlier in this post. Sock covered cock!

I'm not sure what wearing the jacket is all about, but he has an adorable face. The average guy are sometimes the sexiest!

I think it is safe to assume that spider guy here is not straight.

I do not know where the fuck he shops at, but it would make shopping less boring. For groceries or whatever and not for guys. LMFAO

Just the right size and what a chest!

I think this guy is staying at a hostel? One needs their privacy when taking matters into their own hand ;-)

Always salute your erection.

Dustin's favorite toy.


This guy was wearing the long johns earlier ;-)

Not only is he naked, nearly hard but he is also stoned.
Okay, who let this fish in the pic? LMAO

And finally, it is the farewell kiss pics.

I will try to post one or two more times this month, but next month I will be posting only once or twice at best.
Check back in the mean time.

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